Saturday, May 2, 2009

"The Devil Made Me Do, Honey"

2 Samuel 24
David Takes a Census
1 Once again the anger of the Lord burned against Israel, and he caused David to harm them by taking a census. “Go and count the people of Israel and Judah,” the Lord told him.
1 Chronicles 21
David Takes a Census
1 Satan rose up against Israel and caused David to take a census of the people of Israel.

Okay, so in Samuel, it is written that the Lord caused David to take the census, and in Chronicles it says that satan rose up and caused David to take the census. Interesting. I believe that as powerful as satan thinks he is, he cannot do anything unless God allows it. God was angry with Israel, so God allowed satan to work in this matter, causing further grief for a people to claimed to want to follow God. Now, America is not the modern day Israel; that distinction belongs to the Church. However, we see satan working mightily in America (and in the Church in America) today. We have allowed God to be kicked out of public discourse, and now our culture is such that standing up for the societal norm of marriage being between one man and one woman is the source of great ridicule and outcry for the “controversial nature” of such comments. Hmmm. Satan is laughing it up. The question remains, will the Church in America repent and follow the clear teachings of Scripture, or will we simply be content to stay in our own little bubble? Whatever happened to the command of being salt and light, anyway?

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