Thursday, July 29, 2010

No Pretenders

Romans 12

9 Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good. 10 Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other.

I was blown away, in a good sort of way, when Turtle wanted to read all of Romans chapter 12 in our Bible study last night. This chapter is chocked full of such good stuff. It is difficult to journal on only a couple of verses, but here’s where I feel lead to go tonight. Christians are called to genuine love. There is no room for pretenders in the Kingdom of Christ. We are to love with genuine affection and to take delight in honoring others. Now, THAT is some counter-culture thinking for you, isn’t it? There is no room for the put-down game in Christ’s Kingdom. There is no tolerance for two-faced attitudes, nor should there be. NO, for those of us who want to follow Christ, we must be genuine in our love, and delight in honoring each other. I am so blessed to be surrounded by people who live out these principles every day. My Bride is my inspiration. My love for her is greatly enhanced because she is the most godly woman I have ever known. I desire to honor her not just with my words, but with my life.

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