Sunday, July 11, 2010

Blame Game is SIN

Proverbs 19

3 People ruin their lives by their own foolishness
and then are angry at the Lord.

Wow! This is a jump out at me verse this morning! So many people want to blame God for anything bad that happens in their life, while NEVER giving Him credit for the good stuff. Too many people want to ask, “why me, God?” when they should be asking, “why am I such a goober?” It is the height of arrogance for us mere mortals to blame a Holy, Righteous, and Perfect Creator for our stupidity. How dare we try to shift the blame on Him! How dare we try to take His credit, and shift to Him our blame! That, my friends, is sin of the worst kind! May God be glorified in my life today and every day. May He be credited for the good, and when I act foolishly, may I be man enough to accept that responsibility. To do otherwise is to dishonor the name of Christ, and I pray that I NEVER do that again in my life!

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