Thursday, January 22, 2009

Wise Judges Become Fools

Job 12
12 “Wisdom belongs to the aged,
and understanding to the old.

13 But true wisdom and power are found in God;
counsel and understanding are his.
17 He leads counselors away, stripped of good judgment;
wise judges become fools.”

Job lays it out pretty plainly here. We often tend to think of ourselves as “wise” or “able to judge.” We are so wrong. Only God is Wise. Only God can truly, fairly, and honestly Judge. Today is the anniversary of the Roe V. Wade Supreme Court Decision that made abortion the law of the land. Need I say more? How foolish are we as a nation, when we give legal sanction (and taxpayer funding) to kill unborn babies? How dare we ask God to bless this country, when we spit in His face at every turn! How dare those who claim to follow Christ be silent on such matters! May we, instead, be wise in how we handle such matters, trying to lovingly persuade those who have been deceived by satan’s lies about the value of human life. Good judgment has been stripped away, and we are approaching a time when those mistakes will be compounded even further by a President that believes killing unborn babies is okay. Lord, forgive us for our foolishness!

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