Sunday, March 20, 2011

Oh God You Are My God

Psalm 63

1 O God, you are my God;

I earnestly search for you.

My soul thirsts for you;

my whole body longs for you

in this parched and weary land

where there is no water.

O God, You are my God, and I will ever praise You. I will seek You in the morning, and I will learn to walk in Your ways. And step by step You’ll lead me, and I will follow You all of my days. These words are not only some of my favorite lyrics of all time, they are my daily prayer. As I read from Scripture each morning, it is my desire to live a life closer to my Lord Jesus today than I did yesterday. My whole being longs to be closer to my Lord, and to follow Him always. I am so glad that I can be forgiven for my sins so that I need not fear being closer to my Lord. Lord, You are the Living Water that satisfies the thirsting in my soul. You are the Bread of Life, and I am hungry for more of You each day. You alone can satisfy my deepest needs and desires, and I give them all to You this day.

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