Thursday, December 9, 2010

Prepare for the Day of the Lord

Joel 2

11b The day of the Lord is an awesome, terrible thing. Who can possibly survive?

12 That is why the Lord says,

“Turn to me now, while there is time.

Give me your hearts.

Come with fasting, weeping, and mourning.

13 Don’t tear your clothing in your grief,

but tear your hearts instead.”

Return to the Lord your God,

for he is merciful and compassionate,

slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love.

He is eager to relent and not punish.

I know that Joel is talking specifically to the people of Judah here, but this admonition is relevant for us all. Those who are in the Lord have nothing to fear from the “day of the Lord.” Those who are outside of Christ have nothing but fear. We don’t know when Jesus will return, we just know that He will indeed return to take His people with Him. There is still time to turn to Christ as long as you have breath, and make no mistake, God doesn’t want anyone to go to hell. So why do so many people insist on playing “chicken” with God in this regard? Makes no sense to me. Lord, help me to show those outside of Christ that living for Jesus, and living in Jesus is the best way to live both on this planet, and in the aftermath of the “day of the Lord.” May my life draw all people to Jesus always.

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