Thursday, October 7, 2010

Your Word Only

Jeremiah 8

8 “‘How can you say, “We are wise because we have the word of the Lord,”

when your teachers have twisted it by writing lies?

9 These wise teachers will fall

into the trap of their own foolishness,

for they have rejected the word of the Lord.

Are they so wise after all?”

Following up on yesterday’s thoughts, it should not be surprising that those who would ignore or even twist God’s Word have been with us for century upon century. God speaks to this issue through Jeremiah in today’s passage. The only thing that makes me more sad than those who ignore God’s Word, are those who twist God’s Word to suit their own agenda. Father, may my agenda always be Yours and Yours alone. I want no other agenda. May I study Your Word, keep things in context and see what You have to say, not be dependent upon what some other human says that You are saying. May I use the tools You have given me through original language studies, and most importantly my brain & common sense! I am not interested in being considered wise in the eyes of the world, I simply want to be Your servant, obeying Your will and Your Word always.

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