Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Proper Use of Our Talents

Matthew 25
29 To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have an abundance. But from those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away.

God has given each of us our own unique set of gifts and talents. It is His desire that we use these gifts and talents to bring Him glory and honor and praise. Usually when we “Christians” think of gifts or talents, we think of the “big ones”: preaching, singing, playing an instrument, you know one of those “up front” kind of talents. If we don’t have one of those, then we tend to sink back into a “I don’t have anything to offer” kind of mentality. We bury those talents in a hole. I love to be around people who freely give of their talents behind the scenes. Folks who scrub toilets (I have a couple of high school guys who have been doing that all this month as the youth group is the volunteer church building cleanup crew this month). Folks who do the setup and the tear down; who prepare communion each week; who make sure the lights and A/C are all working properly…well you get the picture. I joke with the Habitat for Humanity supervisors all the time that my talent is lifting heavy things. Then, I go do that to help in construction of homes. People see me “up front” each week leading the Celebration Services, but I get much more pleasure and personal satisfaction out of the behind-the-scenes heavy lifting type of service, utilizing my talents in that way. My prayer is that we can help others who claim to follow Christ understand that #1 they have God-given gifts and talents, and #2 they are to use them to bring God the glory and the honor always!

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