Monday, April 5, 2010

Proper Perspective

Luke 11

27 As he was speaking, a woman in the crowd called out, “God bless your mother—the womb from which you came, and the breasts that nursed you!”

28 Jesus replied, “But even more blessed are all who hear the word of God and put it into practice.”

There are religious traditions that try to elevate Mary, the Mother of Jesus almost to a state of Deity. Jesus Himself squashes that foolish notion with His words in this passage. While Mary indeed played a special role in history, as did the Jewish nation, neither of these are to be revered above those who follow the Word of God and put it into practice. While I never want to diminish the roles of Mary, nor the nation of Israel from which Jesus came, I also do not want to elevate them to an undeserved status while diminishing the status of Christ-Followers today. A proper perspective is needed, and I am praying for that proper perspective each day.

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