Monday, May 23, 2011

Please don't give up on me

Psalms 119

5 Oh, that my actions would consistently

reflect your decrees!

6 Then I will not be ashamed

when I compare my life with your commands.

7 As I learn your righteous regulations,

I will thank you by living as I should!

8 I will obey your decrees.

Please don’t give up on me!

This section of Psalm 119 often gets overlooked for the verse the immediately follow it. But, this is the cry of my heart these days: I pray that my actions would consistently reflect Jesus and His Word. I pray that as I learn my from my daily study of the Bible, my life is lived as a Christ Follower. I beg of my LORD, please do not give up on me. I am so grateful for the ability to read and comprehend God’s Word. May my life reflect that comprehension, and may my actions speak favorably of my relationship with Jesus always.

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