Sunday, July 10, 2011

Family Reunion

Proverbs 18

24 There are “friends” who destroy each other,

but a real friend sticks closer than a brother.

I’ve spent the past week among friends who stick closer than brothers. The NACC affords such a family reunion. Traveling up with PhatRok, and hanging out all week with Brent & Jeff Sagstetter, while also getting some quality time with Jeff Patrick...well, there are some serious brothers of mine. Yes, I also go to see lots of other brothers, some of whom I had not seen in years. Each meeting was a time of sweet fellowship as those years melted away in the light of our embraces, smiles, and laughter. Yeah, I love the NACC for the teaching and preaching, but mostly I love it for the opportunity to reconnect with brothers in Christ. Thank You, Lord, for once again reminding me about how large my family in Christ is, and how sweet those family reunions are!

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