Saturday, February 28, 2009

My Duties

Numbers 4
This chapter details the duties of various clans of Levi under the Old Covenant. Each clan had very specific detailed duties. So, what are my duties to God as a Christ follower under the New Covenant?
--To love the Lord my God with all my heart, with all my soul, with all my strength, and with all my might.
--to love people the same way God loves them.

How does God love people? He sent Jesus to take away their sins by sacrificing Himself on the Cross! Jesus says no greater love has a man than this: that he would lay down his life for a brother. Who is my brother? Everyone! When you read the specific detailed duties of the Levite clans under the old covenant, it may seem overwhelming at times. When you think about our duties as Christ Followers, it may seem overwhelming at times. But remember, God will not put more on us than we can bear, and He has promised to be with us every step of the way. I am so glad that I have the privilege of serving God in the United States of America in 2009! May He receive the glory, honor, and praise always.

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