Monday, June 28, 2010

Enthusiastic but Wrong

Acts 18

24 Meanwhile, a Jew named Apollos, an eloquent speaker who knew the Scriptures well, had arrived in Ephesus from Alexandria in Egypt. 25 He had been taught the way of the Lord, and he taught others about Jesus with an enthusiastic spirit and with accuracy. However, he knew only about John’s baptism. 26 When Priscilla and Aquila heard him preaching boldly in the synagogue, they took him aside and explained the way of God even more accurately.

In this passage, we see the importance of knowing the WHOLE Gospel. Appollos taught enthusiastically about Jesus, but he didn’t know the whole Gospel. He was enthusiastically wrong in his teachings until Priscilla and Aquila took him aside and explained the way of God even more accurately to him. Likewise, today there are many people who are enthusiastically wrong in their teaching about Jesus and salvation. It is our job to play the roles of Priscilla and Aquila so that the way of God can be explained to the enthusiastic but wrong crowd even more accurately. We need to build bridges to our religious neighbors, and bring them to a complete saving knowledge of Christ. But, be warned, there are plenty in that enthusiastic but wrong crowd who fall into the category of Proverbs 18: 2 Fools have no interest in understanding;
they only want to air their own opinions.
Don’t be discouraged by them, stay true to God’s Word and do your best to love them to that Truth!

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