Friday, November 6, 2009

Holy Heartburn

Luke 24

32 They said to each other, “Didn’t our hearts burn within us as he talked with us on the road and explained the Scriptures to us?”

Two of Jesus’ followers are down in the dumps over the events that have occurred over the past few days. The man they thought was Messiah has been crucified. They trudge out of Jerusalem towards Emmaus when a “stranger” catches up with them on the road. He seems clueless about what is going on, and they attempt to “straighten him out,” only to find that this stranger seems to have a better grasp on the reality of the situation than either of these two long-faced followers of Jesus. After straightening out the two long faced followers using God’s Word, this stranger finally reveals Himself to be none other than Jesus! Finally, these two followers are illuminated as to God’s Truth. They see the folly of their long-faced, put Messiah in my box, attitudes, and their hearts burn with a passion for the Word, and for the Lamb of God. Holy Heartburn! As I read this passage today, I am reminded not just of my tie-dyed “Hearts Afire” shirt based on this Scripture story, but I am reminded of my past few days. I’ve teetered on the edge of being a long-faced follower, questioning whether or not Jesus really “gets it” and if so how it could all be playing out like it has. I really needed praise team rehearsal last night. Those folks ALWAYS pick me up with their desire to honor God through their musical talents. I really needed today’s Scripture reading. I really need to remember that Jesus has it all under control. I must turn it over to Him, because I can’t see the Big Picture. When I try to cram Jesus into my “Messiah Box” I am committing folly of the worst kind. May my heart burn with a desire for the Word, and for Jesus to illuminate me. No little purple pill (I take Nexium for my stomach acid reflux disease) is needed, this is the kind of heartburn that will do me good!

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