Tuesday, February 21, 2012

They Laughed

Mark 5

40a The crowd laughed at him.

Jesus has just told Jairus that his daughter was not dead, but asleep. This, after the report that his daughter had died came to Jairus while he and Jesus were on their way to his house. This happens right after the woman with the issue of blood touches the hem of Jesus’ garment and is instantly healed. This, after the Disciples had witnessed Jesus calm the storm with mere words. What must they have been thinking when the crowd laughed at Jesus? Were they secretly hoping that Jesus would inflict some good ole Sons of Thunder type wrath on the crowd? Were they terrified about what would happen next? The Bible doesn’t say. We do know that Jesus ignored the crowd, raised Jairus’ daughter from the dead and went on about His business. Perhaps when the crowd laughs at us because of our faith in Christ, we should follow His lead: ignore them, and go on about our business. Easier said than done, my friends.

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