Sunday, July 19, 2009

False Prophets Misusing God's Word

Micah 2

11 Suppose a prophet full of lies would say to you,
“I’ll preach to you the joys of wine and alcohol!”
That’s just the kind of prophet you would like!

Peggy told me of a sermon she heard today in a “church” she visited where the preacher actually took the clear teachings of Acts 2:38 and tried to convince the people that it doesn’t say what is plainly says. When does the phrase repent and baptized for the forgiveness of your sins NOT mean that your sins are forgiven when you repent and are baptized? When you listen to someone who twists the Word of God for his own purpose. That, my friends, is a false prophet…pretending to speak for God, and leading people astray. It makes me nauseous and it makes me sad. It is nothing new, but I certainly cannot stand by silently and let such eternal damage be spread without speaking against it! Sigh.

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