Saturday, September 24, 2011


Ephesians 3

8 Though I am the least deserving of all God’s people, he graciously gave me the privilege of telling the Gentiles about the endless treasures available to them in Christ. 9 I was chosen to explain to everyone this mysterious plan that God, the Creator of all things, had kept secret from the beginning.

10 God’s purpose in all this was to use the church to display his wisdom in its rich variety to all the unseen rulers and authorities in the heavenly places. 11 This was his eternal plan, which he carried out through Christ Jesus our Lord.

God’s purpose for the church and through the church is laid out here. The church (the “called out ones”) is designed to display the wisdom of God by spreading the Good News about Jesus to EVERYONE. Since I am part of the church, that is MY PURPOSE, too!

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