Last night the steering committee for VCC's Capital Campaign met for our initial pow-wow. I have been given two daunting tasks to oversee for our campaign: the audio-visual directorship and the children's directorship. I will recruit a couple of folks to help produce some video promotional materials. That will be the fun part. Not necessarily easy, and certainly time consuming, but fun. The children's director position will be more challenging to me right now, and will require the recruiting of many more people to handle the various tasks involved.
I am excited about the upcoming campaign. I am excited that concrete is poured and the building will start taking shape very soon. I am more excited to hear the building being placed in the proper context. This building is a tool to be used to reach others for Christ. For far too long, I have feared that some folks thought of the building as the ends, not the means to an end. Connecting Christ with Community - that is our theme for the capital campaign. That is our theme for local ministry at VCC. That needs to be the focus of all we do as we enter a capital campaign and as we prepare to establish our presence in the fastest growing area of Indian River County. May we stay focused on the mission of connecting people to Christ and to one another, and may we never make the mistake of focusing on a building to be the "savior."
May we at VCC, like my Lil Bro Ed, remember that God's desire is to conform us to the image of Christ, and may we behave that way every day of our lives.
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