The old church cliche´sign as you leave a building or the church property reads, "entering the mission field." We say that we are either a missionary or part of the mission field, but do we who claim to follow Christ REALLY mean that? In his book, The Present Future: Six Tough Questions For The Church, Reggie McNeal states (on page 51) that, "North America is the largest English-speaking mission field in the world. It is the fifth or sixth largest mission field of any stripe."
It is also true that Christian Missionaries are coming to the United States from the continent of Africa! Yet, we "churched people" sit back contently in the safety of our "Christian Cliques" and try to convince ourselves that we are "doing God's Will." When we do venture into any activity that remotely resembles evangelism, it is usually (as McNeal describes it) a "telemarketer approach of trying to shove something down someone's throat when they really aren't interested in what we have to say of "sell." Community involvement is key. I have to admit that I am not nearly as involved in my community as I used to be. I say that to my shame. When our kids were younger, I was involved in Little League, coaching both of my sons. I was at most practices and all performances when our "little ballerina" was dancing. Now, I still serve in some capacities with the high school chorus parental group, as well as making sure I try to get by youth group kids' games and performances, but seriously, I am not involved in the community like I should be. Selling Christmas trees for the High School Chorus and the Exchange Club isn't enough. I am spending way too much time doing churchianity, and not Christianity. Getting involved in the Youth For Christ stuff at a local school isn't enough. Volunteering at Habitat For Humanity on a monthly basis isn't enough.
Sitting at my desk studying for lessons or messages, updating the church website and uploading the latest sermon podcast are all fine and dandy. In fact, those are all part of my job with Vero Christian Church. However, part of my job as a Christ follower is to get involved with the people in my mission field and extend to them the love of Christ as I walk along side them day by day. Now, to determine the most effective use of my time, talents, energy, money, and personality to connect Christ with community. Vero Beach is the mission field where God has planted me. Not just Vero Christian Church, but the community of Vero Beach. Time to be faithful to that call and move out of my comfort zone.
People are desperate for the love of Jesus. People cry out daily for Something to fill the void they feel in their empty lives. How can I dare keep Jesus to myself and those in my "little club" known as Vero Christian Church any longer? God, please forgive me, and strengthen me in my resolve to be a better servant and a better ambassador for You in Vero Beach, Florida.
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