My friend, Dan Gilliam has a new book out called "God Touches." It is the perfect follow-up read to "The Present Future." Let me share something from Dan's book, pages 65-66:
From the letter of James, the true religion that God considers pure and faultless is, "to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself form being polluted by the world." From what I have seen the former helps make the latter possible. There is nothing like service with a smile and a sacrificial spirit to help relieve one from the bondage of self and the merciless obsession for more of everything. Nothing takes my mind off of me like serving those who have nothing to give in return or loving those who can give me nothing but reasons not to love them. Christ's mandate for the church to love, pray, give, forgive, comfort, encourage, share faith, and make disciples are as much for our own health and well-being as for the expansion of the kingdom.
That is profound and that is the notion I will concentrate on over the next few days. Oh, and don't worry, there are more Gilliam-isms to come in the next few days, I already have my next chunk of this book to share on this blog, and it will knock some socks off (unless you don't wear sock, in which case, hang onto your shoes!).
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