Thursday, December 8, 2011

Immoral Living


3 Dear friends, I had been eagerly planning to write to you about the salvation we all share. But now I find that I must write about something else, urging you to defend the faith that God has entrusted once for all time to his holy people. 4 I say this because some ungodly people have wormed their way into your churches, saying that God’s marvelous grace allows us to live immoral lives. The condemnation of such people was recorded long ago, for they have denied our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.

It is one thing for the pagans to live immoral lives, because that what pagans do. It is quite something else for those who claim to follow Christ to do so. Yet, our churches in America are filled with folks who lie, cheat, fornicate, grumble against authority, steal, and more. Yeah, that is a pretty varied list, but everything on it is recorded in Scriptures among lists of sins. Check out Paul’s letters and see if everything I just listed isn’t contained somewhere in Paul’s writings about those who will not be in heaven. Living a pure life is the goal for every Christ Follower. Yes, we will sin and fall short of God’s glory, but if we teach that it is “okay” to sin and then ask for forgiveness, we are directly violating the teaching of Paul to the Roman Church (see chapters 5 & 6 specifically). May it not be so at VCC!!! May it not be so with me!!!

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