Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Okay, I am still playing "catch up" from having been on the road so long this summer, but I did find the VHS recording of The Present Future. I have since dubbed it to DVD format. Now, I just have to get it to Steve and others at VCC for their viewing. I even have the seminar outline that goes with the recording, and while it obviously won't be as detailed as the book was, it will be a good start to a revolution.

It is so easy to get caught up in the daily routine of busyness. It is a battle I must do better in winning, for sure. In the next couple of weeks we will say "audios" to several of our college students as they return to their respective campuses in Tennessee and Texas, while trying to keep our local college students engaged in living for Jesus here in Vero Beach. I have a major planning session for our children's ministry (with virtually no money to help fund this ministry) and for our student ministry (ditto), and sign-up deadlines for three major student ministry events all come this month. While I do have the September pre-school children's church materials ready for the volunteers who will lead this ministry, I am still looking over low or no-cost options for October and beyond.

I am still wrestling with ideas to get us more outward focused in our ministry to families at VCC. See, even the structure of that sentence bothers me, now. We should have our families at VCC more outward focused in their ministry. Oh, Reggie McNeal, see what you are doing to me?

1 comment:

Elliott Blount said...

Hey man, like the new blog, love the pic and the title! Well done! The Present Future huh, I'll have to check it out when I'm done reading the 5,000 other books I'm currently reading lol.