Sunday, February 1, 2009

Temporary Verses Eternal

Exodus 1
8 Eventually, a new king came to power in Egypt who knew nothing about Joseph or what he had done.

Exodus 1:8, is a sobering verse, but one that I believe we would do well to pay special attention to. We Christian Americans tend to get all caught up in being Americans, forgetting that our trust needs to be in Christ, not in a political process or leader. Joseph was a POLITICAL leader in Egypt (2nd in command only to Pharaoh). He saved the people of that nation, yet over time, Joseph’s name was forgotten by the political leaders. We get all wrapped up in political leaders in America, but our trust needs to be in Christ. Period. Political leaders come and go, the gains made or the losses suffered at the hands of political policies change. The stuff of this earth is temporary. No matter how “great” any one political leader may be at the time of his/her power, that political leader will be replaced by someone else. Jesus will never be replaced. He is the One time for all times Perfect Son of God, and following Him is the ONLY way to live a life resulting in eternal life.

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