"The appropriate response to the emerging world is a rebooting of the mission, a radical obedience to an ancient command, a loss of self rather than self preoccupation, concern about service and sacrifice rather than concern about style."
Reggie McNeal's words resound within my very being. Now, as I have finished reading the book by McNeal titled The Present Future: Six Tough Questions For The Church, I am finding out that the Church Communication Network broadcast a workshop on that subject back in 2004. I should have the DVD of that broadcast, but I will have to search in my boxes of stuff stored in my garage. I think I will because it is well worth finding.
As I think about my "church experience" over the past 20 years, I find that it has been way too inwardly focused. After reading McNeal's book, I know that I cannot continue to do "church" the same ole way. Over the next several posts, I will wrestle with thoughts and ideas spurred on by McNeal's book.
To reboot the mission and to have a radical obedience to the ancient command means getting way out of my church comfort zone. Just as I have challenged students over the past couple of decades to leave their comfort zones for the sake of the Gospel of Christ, I must reassess where I am in ministry methods. Yes, it is my job to equip people for ministry. No, I cannot effectively do that while tied down to my office. Peggy has long worried that I am too tied down in the office, and (of course) she is right.
So, what will it mean to be more missional in my position as Family Life Minister? How can I better equip families to live out their Christian faith and to share the Gospel message with friends and family? How can I help people move out of the "way we have always done it" when it comes to doing church? These are the questions with which I am wrestling today.
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